Strongest, Most Advanced Silverado Ever
For 2019, Chevrolet's designers and engineers have completely reimagined the Silverado to offer an expanded range of six engine and transmission options in addition to eight vehicle models. Using advanced materials, Chevrolet also improved the strength and size of the Silverado while shaving 450 pounds from the truck's total weight. Both bigger and lighter than ever before, the latest Silverado from Chevrolet also boasts 50 industry-first features, including one which could change the way the world thinks of a tailgate forever.
Chevrolet's Surprising 2019 Silverado Feature
In the company's third ad designed to rollout the 2019 Silverado, they reveal a surprisingly innovative feature: a key fob-controlled tailgate. After watching several individuals manually lowering and lifting tailgates on various Chevrolet pickups throughout the decades, the ad finally cuts to the image of the 2019 Chevy Silverado's open tailgate and an individual pressing a button which prompts the gate to lift and latch on its own.
Although you might think this feature would have naturally followed other automatic door features available on minivans and hatchbacks, the convenient feature has not previously been seen on a pickup truck of any caliber, let alone one with the robust features of the 2019 Chevrolet Silverado. With the addition of an automatic tailgate to an already stunning vehicle, Chevrolet adds yet another piece of refinery and convenience to its long-loved, rugged line of Silverado pickup trucks.
Start the Next Phase of a Long Tradition
For those who have loved their Silverado pickups throughout the decades and those who are looking to haul their first one onto the open road, Chevrolet does not disappoint with its latest models and options for the 2019 Silverado. Stop by the Cappellino Chevrolet dealership in Boston, NY to drive your new 2019 Chevrolet Silverado for the first time.